10 New Zealand Honeymoon Tips for LGBT Australians

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Well Aussie, it’s been a long time coming. Congratulations. We’re over the moon that your friends, colleagues and family said YES! We know many of you have come to New Zealand in the past to marry, and of course you’re still welcome to, but as a happily legally married lesbian of 9 years myself, I get it. There’s nothing better than having all your family and friends gathered around as you commit to your soulmate. Especially if you’ve been waiting a long time for this. But we hope you’ll still think of us for your honeymoon! We’d love to celebrate with you, and you’ll just love it here! To  help you create the perfect honeymoon, here’s our list of New Zealand honeymoon tips for LGBT Australians.

1. Know your lodging is LGBT friendly.

I’d like to say all lodging in New Zealand is, but unfortunately that is just not the case. However, there are many lodging providers who do want to spoil you, celebrate with you, and pamper you at this important time in your relationship. If you want to cuddle and kiss your sweetheart, then you want people around who will love seeing you do that, and support your right to do so. If you want to stay in LGBT owned lodging, then GayStay is an excellent resource!

Ribbonwood lodge

2. Connect with the LGBT Community.

This is a monumental time in your history as a country, and as a couple. There is nothing quite like sharing this enormous milestone with people who have experienced the same struggles to get the same rights and really understand how it feels. Check out some of our LGBT locals who would love to make your honeymoon extra special.

Scotty and Mal

 3. Avoid the crowds and travel off season.

October to mid-December and then from mid-March till end of April are great times to visit. The temperatures can still be mild, accommodation rates are often less, and the crowds haven’t yet arrived, or have departed. Flights are often less too.

hiking in the woods

4. Focus on only one or two areas to visit and stay.

I know you think we’re small, and we are compared to Aussie, but our roads are winding and slow to drive. This is your honeymoon, not the time to see all of New Zealand in 5 days! We’re so close, you can always pop back to explore other areas another time.

Don’t sit behind the wheel of a car all day. (Credit: Sam Mahayni)

5. Choose an area or regions that offer a variety of experiences.

On honeymoon, you want to share different activities together, but you don’t want to spend all day, every day in the car getting there. For example, if you want a blend of gorgeous wines, fresh seafood, local art, and luxury in remote wilderness, then Marlborough with the Marlborough Sounds is a perfect choice.

Marlborough Sounds has it all. (Credit: Rob Suisted)


6. Create space and down time.

Sleep in, lie around, swing in a hammock together. Don’t feel compelled to rush around and see everything just because you’re in a new place. Make time to just be with each other.

7. Set your budget.

We have a huge range of accommodations, from moderately priced, self-catering cabins to ultra-luxury lodges. If you can go 5 star all the way – do it! if you can’t, no worries. It’s quite possible to have a spectacular honeymoon in New Zealand without breaking the bank.

Soak in luxury at Bay of Many Coves, a gorgeous LGBT friendly 5 star resort

8. Do something Unique.

Sharing a once in a life time experience, or something thrilling and special, creates memories that you’ll treasure forever. So whether it’s a heli-picnic to a remote mountain setting, or sleeping in a luxury glass Purepod under the stars, find that special experience to share together.

Dare to try something different, like Little River PurePod. (Credit: Johneey Hoek)

9. Book Ahead.

Don’t think you can just rent a car, drive, and be spontaneous about accommodation. Your honeymoon is not the time to end up sleeping in the car because you thought New Zealand in February is a good time to wing it! It’s not. Things get booked up here, especially in the summer months, so plan and book ahead.

Suzie and Caroline’s Criffel Peak View B&B, is a wonderful, moderately priced choice.

10. Tailor-make YOUR OWN honeymoon.

If you’re a young millennial couple, then chances are you will want something different than an older couple who has been waiting generations for this moment. Our LGBTQ community is SO diverse! What we each want from a honeymoon differs. Don’t just buy a ‘NZ Honeymoon Itinerary’ off the shelf. Create something special that is a perfect match for who you are as a couple.

We’d be honoured to help you do that. Contact us now.


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